Cell Counting and Cytometry

Image 4

Honggu Chun* et al, “Potentiometric Multichannel Cytometer Microchip for High-throughput Microdispersion Analysis,” Analytical Chemistry, 85(1), 362-368 (2013.01)

The parallelization of microfluidic cytometry is expected to lead to considerably enhanced throughput enabling point-of-care diagnosis. In this article, the development of a microfluidic potentiometric multichannel cytometer is presented. Parallelized microfluidic channels sharing a fluid path inevitably suffer from interchannel signal crosstalk that results from electrical coupling within the microfluidic channel network. By employing three planar electrodes within a single detection channel, we electrically decoupled each channel unit, thereby enabling parallel analysis by using a single cytometer microchip with multiple microfluidic channels.